
A Life Long Journey of Being and Evolving Into Your Leadership






I Offer You On These Pages a Model and Metaphor for Leadership, Sustainability/Regeneration Leadership, for Leadership Coaching, for Self-Discovery, for Teams, for Excellence…

I offer this as a coaching tool, a self-reflection tool, as a model of self-leadership and for striving for excellence, a model for self-awareness as a leader, for working together as teams…

all the while adaptable to the individual and the context they are in…


Starting from where they are at and supporting where they congruently want to go.


The Model is founded on my own ways of being in coaching developed over nearly a quarter of a century.

It is originally inspired by my desire to help my clients in sustainability leadership working in high VUCA environments, yet suitable for all leaders in this rapidly changing world.


It complements other leadership models.

It has, as its differentiator, a focus on the inner ways of being a leader wants for themselves to succeed, 

all the while still accounting for the larger system. 

This model is not about the doing but about the being.

 It describes the leadership journey through nine CONSTANTLY EVOLVING ways of being set against a backdrop of lifelong learning and self-discovery. 

It works with the individual at their core yet connects them to the bigger systems around them.

This is a personalised leadership model. It is non-prescriptive. It promotes individual congruence and drive and boosts confidence and courage.

Leaders’ actions then stem from feeling more centred and at ease and energised. In this state the leader has the interesting, seemingly impossible energy exchange:

One where the leader feels actions requires less energy expenditure as they are driven and fuelled by an internal congruence; 

yet at the same time energy is exuded in abundance and people feel the congruence and the positivity and become more and more engaged. 

The model’s essence cannot simply be taught as such!

Its uses are as unique as the leaders who work with it and the coaches or others who support with it.


Please contact me to discuss:

– Coaching leaders and teams,

 -For yourself and your organisations

-To find out more about how I and the Ways of Being in Leadership Model can support you on your leadership journey. 

Where can you find out  more?

  • Do take a look at the video link further below – a presentation I gave at the Climate Coaching Alliance 24 Hour Global Conversation on March 4th 2021 – which explains the thinking behind and essence of the model. 
  • Check out my article in CEO Today https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/issues/2022/03/24/
  • Do use the Ways of Being and concepts and the model as a structure to support your conversations and thinking, for yourselves.
  • Put your name down for one of our workshops to experience and learn how to use it on our LinkedIn page (coming soon).
  • Contact me directly via the Contact Form below or via LinkedIn on https://www.linkedin.com/in/samia-shehadeh-77731830/

The (9 Ways of ) Being in Leadership Model © 2021 by Samia Shehadeh is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.

“Nice to meet you! I'm Samia Shehadeh.
For more than two decades I have worked as a Coaching and Business Psychologist and Business Change Leader helping individuals and businesses reach their full potential.”

I work with leaders and help individuals and businesses evolve their leadership Ways of Being.


I  support leaders in many contexts and I have a focus on sustainability and regeneration and supporting leaders who are championing and implementing on Sustainable Development Goals and our Climate Emergency.


Helping leaders to:


Appreciate a life long journey of learning yet know they are always enough; 


Find purpose and intent, 


Value the resources within yet strive to build on these, explore the possibilities, overcome blockages, find equilibrium and wholeness, experience a higher level of leading and living, empower thoughts, gain clarity and direction, become happier and more motivated, 


Consider the alternatives and be in choice, 


Become more aware of the system they operate it, their sphere of influence and push the boundaries,

Unlock the future, ignite the power within, work with uncertainty, gain momentum, know what next, where next and how to get there, communicate with positive impact, create psychological safety in teams and with partners, engage people, collaborate well with positive intent,


Create paths and action for being part of something bigger,


and too many other areas to mention.


The people I journey with thrive and excel in leading themselves and their lives well each day.

What separates me from others is my passion and my agility to, together, inspire the power of you, your mind, your feelings your thoughts and your words to tap into resources that lie within you in order to achieve whatever you want to achieve.


I help you focus on what matters to you, so you can better understand and harness what drives you and motivates you and feel the energy and  boost this then gives you to be and act – on an every day basis and beyond. 

Together, we succeed.

And how do I do that?


I have a coaching mindset founded on years of experience and ways of being and I go on a journey with my leaders. 


And to give you some insights into how I do that, I offer you here some resources: 


– A Way of Being in Leadership Model, which gathers the essence of my beliefs and values in this field – and provides you with a starting point and a tool for self-discovery yet also a fluid structure for you to start a conversation of discovery and action;


– And to help with that conversation, you will also find a sample of questions to start to guide you through each part of the model.


I offer workshops on the essence of the model and it’s uses and for you to experience the Ways of Being mindset for yourself and

 to help you use the model and tool kit more optimally.


I also offer 1:1 coaching

Coaching Circles

Team Coaching sessions

Free feel to contact me to discuss.



“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.”

Eric Micha’el Leventhal

This model is for leaders everywhere. And it was originally designed with Sustainability Leaders in mind as they work on behalf of us all on our Global Climate Emergency and Sustainable Development Goals.
Businesses and Governments responsibilities are not just to make money and profits, they must take care of Our Planet and its people too – and that includes supporting leaders  championing Sustainable Development.

Samia Shehadeh


Supporting you to lead yourself in order to deliver what matters to you


Harnessing the power and support of a group environment to co-create solutions

Inspirational and motivational high-performance coaching and facilitation for leaders

The model explained
Ideas for its use and possibilities to evolve its applications -
Samia Shehadeh at the Climate Coaching Alliance 24 Hour Conversation on 4th March 2021


Ways of Being in Leadership with Samia Shehadeh on Vimeo


An excellent model, a feat, and so different to what’s already out there. Samia’s model is a way of approaching leadership development unlike any other I have come across, and provides the basis for some incredibly poignant shifts in the growth of leaders… It is a dynamic model which considers the person themselves, the way they think, and the way they show up for themselves and others. It treats the leaders as human beings, first and foremost, who want to do deep inner work in order to really develop and grow into their potential as leaders who impact those around them. Actions then follow from this deeper knowing. …It does not box you or categorise you. It fits so beautifully with the coaching philosophy, of reflection, slowing down, introspection and really centring the individual in the process… Samantha H – Social Impact Sector


My clients ask for and expect confidentiality, so, in my testimonials, I do not share with you their full names and/or organisations.



My PHOTOS and my BLOG stories are personal to me and are from my life and my travels. I share these here with you.

I wish their copyright ownership to remain with me. I trust that you honour and respect their ownership and uniqueness and leave them to live here and for you to enjoy them on these pages.


My LOGO was designed by myself, quite literally, on the back of an envelope, in a moment of inspiration after a process of thought and creativity! It represents the Greek letter Psy, which is the symbol for psychology. I added to it the face of a person opening their arms and being to the world around them and to the possibilities and to the way ahead…yet it can also represent a person deep in thought, pondering, considering, exploring… a coaching psychological optical illusion! 

Here again, I trust you will honour its ownership in all its form and all it stands for and respect my wishes for copyright.  

Together we succeed